Hare Krishna Valley is establishing a milking herd of forty Gir cows, bulls, calves and bullocks. The Gir cow is native to Gujarat. They love being with humans, adore being brushed and scratched and are very gregarious. Gir cows are one of the three Zebu breeds used to develop the American Brahman. The cows will be hand-milked and their milk offered to the Deities. The herd will be protected for life. This service to Go-Mata (Mother Cow) requires the purchase of our first Gir cows, refurbishment of our dairy, the construction of a new Goshalla (shelter for cows) and kangaroo proof fencing. The cows also need new pastures, supplementary summer fodder and veterinary care.
If you wish to help in any way (volunteer, donation, resources etc), please contact:
Keshava das 0405-577-453
Visit our website for this initiative for more info and donation opportunities: